Using AI to Rapidly Innovate Video Creative Concepts:

A Guide for Marketers Creating high-performing video ads seems to be an art blended with science, where one needs creativity backed by analytical precision. As a marketer, one probably has spent hours in the manual review of hundreds of videos-keeping a note of what works and what doesn’t. But what if you actually could accelerate this process with the help of advanced AI?

Below, we outline the how-to of leveraging Google’s AI Studio and then break down winning and losing video creative insights to rapidly innovate new creative concepts and shave off hours in the process.

Why Use AI for Creative Insights?

AI tools help marketers go through a host of creatives much quicker than reviewing each minute detail by hand. Instead of sifting through video files and barely finding any patterns, AI does it in a trice, underlines key trends, and highlights areas of improvement. That efficiency is worth spending more time ideating and less in repetitive analysis.

Step-by-Step: Using Google AI Studio for Creative Analysis
For this, you need access to Google AI Studio. First things first, the model to be used is Gemini 1.5 Pro Experimental because it is more optimized for analysis of complex media and creative assets.

Note: Be sure to select Gemini 1.5 Pro and not just Gemini. The Pro version has richer capabilities that will give you more substantial insights.

Step 1: Analyze Top-Performing Ads

First of all, upload some of your best-running ads to the model. This way, it will know what works in these videos. Please provide a minimum of at least 5 high-performing videos for review to AI; these can be previous successful campaigns or high-ROI creatives taken directly from your client’s ad account.

If you are collaborating with a small team, its a good strategy to have your Google Drive connected with Gemini for pulling video links directly from Airtable or other collaborative tools.

Prompt to Use:

“These are some of our top performing ads for {BRAND}. Go through them and find some common trends and patterns in all the videos.”

If that doesn’t give you a sufficient degree of depth, you help it a little by refining your prompt. Refine your outputs with something like this:

“Please go much, much deeper. Find specifics within each video and reference them to support your conclusions.”

This iterative approach makes sure nuances in every ad are honed in by the AI.

Step 2: Compare Against Underperforming Ads

Once you’ve understood the commonalities in your top-performing videos, the next step is to learn from your underperformers. By comparing these two sets, the AI will be able to identify what winning ads are doing differently and point out areas for improvement.

Prompt to Use:

“Now watch these {BRAND} ads that didn’t perform well and identify what the high performers are doing differently from the low performers.”

This will go a long way in showing some discrepancies or errors in particular, so you can avoid them in subsequent creative revision.

Additional Video Analysis Applications

The flexibility of the Gemini model allows it to cater to a range of creative contexts. A few of those are included in the following couple of prompts to get you started:

Analyze Organic Videos:

Analyze these high-performing organic videos, focusing on success factors like content structure, engagement hooks, pace, and authenticity. Provide insights on what makes them resonate with audiences and how these elements can be used in future videos.

Pro Tip: The same analysis can be applied to competitor accounts to gain a competitive advantage.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Advertisement Analysis Prompt: “Analyze these competitive ads and compare them with ours. Identify key similarities and differences in messaging, visuals, pacing, calls to action, or other elements. Highlight any opportunities whereby we can differentiate ourselves, improve our creative approach, or capitalize on any gaps in their strategy.

Please watch this video for accessibility, reviewing the text elements for things such as captions and onscreen text.Spell check, punctuation, and grammar check; include suggestions for correction in your report.

Cultural Relevance Check:

Prompt: “Please view this video for any cultural references, symbols, or language that may be used. Then, identify any of those elements that might not play well in the cultural context of your target audience or could be misunderstood, and suggest ways that the content could be more universally relatable or culturally appropriate.”

Identify Potential Drop-Off Points:

Prompt: “Watch these ads and identify the exact moments where viewer retention is likely to drop off. Suggest creative adjustments to keep viewers engaged longer.”

Draw Inspiration from Other Ads:

Prompt: “Watch these inspirational ads from other brands. Now, also notice structure, messaging, and tone. With what you understand of our brand and audience, write a new script that incorporates successful elements from these ads while aligning with our brand’s voice, product, and goals.”

Putting It All into Action: Innovating with Data-Driven Insights

But the secret to perfect video marketing is to keep iterating and refining. Through the use of AI, one can analyze creative assets in a split second and spot winning trends, avoid common pitfalls, and ultimately create high-performing videos more efficiently.

Instead of intuition alone, drive your video marketing with data by using AI tools like Google’s Gemini. Testing campaigns or even competitor ads, AI draws in those metrics that would have been pulled in by a human team in days or weeks.

With these actionable insights at hand, your creative team will spend less time guessing and more time churning out ads that convert.



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