Conversion Rates: What are they and why do they matter?

Hey there,

I’m sorry that it’s been a little while since our last blog post! It’s been all hands on deck over here at the Dash Activate Online offices as we’ve been ramping up Facebook ads for some of our eCommerce clients as they head into the busy pre-Summer sales period.

Now that we’re back on top of things I wanted to share a quick little video discussing a subject that has been front and centre with a lot of our client strategies and also popping up on the free audit calls we offer.

It’s the subject of CONVERSION RATES and how this holy grail of marketing metrics impacts the effectiveness of your entire funnel and marketing budget.

Watch below as I break down what conversion rates are, how to calculate yours and what you can do to improve the conversion rate of your eCommerce store. By the end of this video you’ll be empowered with some handy tips and you can generate HUGE gains in your ROI and ROAS with tiny improvements to your overall conversion rate.

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